Euro CPS
Problem and Solution
LEDs’ compatibility with voltage levels used in digital electronics allows digital control of LED based lighting installations easily, thus allows smart functions be implemented. The „smart SSL solutions” concepts of HungaroLux target system level applications with advanced communications, envisioning LED luminaires become parts of smart city solutions. The SmartSSL project targets the development of a modular and flexible communications subsystem for LED luminaires which is foreseen to provide bi-directional flow of data not only about the health of the LED luminaires but will allow transmission of any other environmental information sensed by a luminaire. Flexibility includes configurability to different lighting control protocols and support of different physical data connection layers as well options for central and local controls of lamps. This way the smart LED luminaires of HungaroLux Light will be configurable to the actual environment of the lighting system operators, both in terms of physical channels (e.g. RF or PLC) and protocols. This way lighting installations using the new luminaires of HungaroLux Light become “future proof”.
How did EuroCPS help
BME as a EuroCPS design center supports the project implementation from the system plans through the actual module developments to system testing. The SmartSSL system is based on Intel’s embedded Edison platform. Thanks to the platform’s flexibility and off the shelf IoT solutions the integration of different physical data transport layers was performed easily.
HungaroLux Light Ltd. one of the local LED luminaire suppliers in Hungary, targeting small and medium sized municipalities with their products. The new unique selling points offered by the SmartSSL luminaires provide HungaroLux Light Ltd. great advantage over their competitors in the market segment.
End-user: HungaroLux Light Ltd, (SME, HU)
Technology providers: Intel (IE)
Design Center: BME (University, HU)